EMERGENCY FOOD VOUCHER PROGRAM This parish supported program is administered by a committee chaired by Robert LoDolce. Parish Family members in need of help for the purchase of non-taxable food items are eligible four times a year (no sooner than every two months). Young mothers are eligible for new baby items (diapers, formula, etc.) as well. Contact the Rectory for more information.This program is always in need of lite canned fruits, children's cereals, and 100 percent fruit juices. You can help by bringing an unopened, unexpired, nonperishable food item to the church at any Mass and depositing it in the containers that are in the foyers of each church. Volunteers will then get the food items to the local pantries.
CATHOLIC OUTREACH This program is a service coordinated by Anthony Sanseverino. Volunteers visit shut-ins, provide transportation, make phone calls, lend a helping hand. Those who are in need of such assistance, please call the rectory at 226-3183. Those who would like more information about aiding this service should contact Tony Sanseverino at 226-5761.
BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY The Christian community of today is a family and as family members we must care for each other. One of the most difficult times in the life of any family is the death of a member of that family. This is a loss that is not forgotten soon after the funeral; one that will always be felt. As family members who have been baptized into Christ, we are called by the Church to minister to those who mourn. Members of this ministry visit the family to pray with them, assist with funeral liturgy, and keep in contact with the family afterward through calls, cards, etc. For more information call Lois at 685-2852.