INTRODUCTION There is no faith without the Church.
In this world of technology, which is a creation of humans, it is not the Creator whom one first encounters, rather, humans encounter only themselves. The basic structure of the world of technology is the practical. Its certitudes are those of the calculable. The question of salvation is not posed in terms of God, who appears nowhere, but in function of the power of humans, who wants to be their own constructors and the masters of their own history.
As parents of Catholic children, it is your obligation to see to it that your child is educated in the Catholic Faith. The purpose of our religious education program is to enhance the religious upbringing of these children, so that they will become more knowledgeable about their Faith. We give them the tools and guidelines that will enable them to attain Christian maturity. It is a commitment by the Church, the religious education program, the parents, and the children.