CLASS TIMES Class Arrival and Dismissal
Class for grades 3, 4 and 5 are held Tuesday afternoons at B.V.M. Queen of Peace in the Religious Education Center, Parish Center, and Church Auditorium. Students are bussed from Wallenpaupack North Intermediate school at 2:15 p.m. A parent or guardian must pick up his or her child at 4:00 p.m. Classes for kindergarten and grades 6 thru 8 are held Sundays. Starting with attendance at the 9:15 a.m. Mass, classes begin immediately after Mass. Students are dismissed at 11:20 a.m. Please make sure, if your child attended a Mass other than the 9:15 a.m. Mass, that he or she is in the classroom by 10:00 a.m. It is very distracting to have students walking in after the class is started. In situations where one parent is the custodial parent and the other parent has visitation rights, these conditions must be put in writing. It is imperative that any circumstance that involves the picking up of your child be clearly defined in writing. These letters will be kept on file as to who has permission to pick up your child for the school year. This rule is for the safety of your child. Please have consideration and be on time, since someone must stay until all the students are picked up. Cancellations On Thursdays, for grades 1 and 2, and Tuesdays for grades 3, 4 and 5, if the student's day school is canceled or has an early dismissal, there will be no religion classes that day. On Sundays, kindergarten and grades 6 through 8 classes, an announcement will be made at Mass or call the rectory at 226-3183. Class Attendance Attendance is required for each student enrolled in our program. The role of the catechist is one of a presenter. The principal responsibility for religious education remains with the parent. It is the parent's responsibility to see to it that his or her child attends classes. The cooperation of both parents and students is expected in seeing to it that the student comes to class. If your child must to be absent from class for any reason, it is required that you notify the Religious Education Office by calling 226-2955 with the reason. If your child misses three classes and the Director of Religious Education is not notified, the parent will receive a phone call to attend a meeting to discuss these absences. The student, with the parents' help, will be required to make up the missed lessons. The importance of regular attendance cannot be overemphasized. Every effort should be made to have your child attend all scheduled classes. If a child needs to be absent consistently on Sundays because of parental visitations, the custodial parent must meet with the director so that a schedule can be arranged for home assignments or special instruction. Any student with seven unexcused absences may have to repeat the year. There will be no more summer work make-up. It would be greatly appreciated if you did not make doctor, dentist or other appointments on the day of your child's religion classes especially if other options are available to you! Mass Attendance The liturgy of the Mass is at the heart of our Catholic Faith. Catholics are expected to participate in Mass each week and on holy days of obligation. Your child's attendance at religious education classes without the experience of the Mass is learning only part of our Catholic Faith. A requirement of our religious education program is that weekly Mass and Holy Days of Obligation are attended. Twice during the religious education year during the Advent and Lenten seasons, students will have to go to a scheduled Mass with their class. We will send home a notice letting you know when their class Mass will be attending Mass together. We invite you to attend with your child and his or her class at this scheduled Mass. For your child's sake, try to attend at this scheduled Mass. We understand that sometimes it becomes a conflict when you have more than one child in our program. We cannot consider ourselves practicing Catholics if we do not participate at Mass and receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist on a regular basis. Class Calendars |